Although her classical training began at the age of 13,  Rachel Giacomin has been singing all her life. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan and a Master’s Degree in Environmental Science from the Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research in Windsor, Ontario. Rachel has recently been a member of the Calvin College Capella in Grand Rapids, and of the Windsor Classic Chorale. She studied opera and oratorio while at Calvin College and continues to study voice now in London, Ontario. Rachel is now living back in Sarnia where she has a small voice studio of preteen and teenage girls. She is a frequent Cantor in the Taizé services at All Saints Anglican Church in Sarnia, is artistic director of Sursum Corda, a men’s choir in the area, and is a music leader at Redeemer Christian Reformed Church in Sarnia. She is currently a founding member and executive director of the Bluewater Chamber Choir.