Another fantastic CCC tour has come to an end, and although it took our Maritimes-dwelling members just a weeeee bit longer than anticipated to get home, everyone arrived back safe and sound! Actually, Christopher Lane was marooned in Montreal for several days while Michael and Tristan enjoyed 24+ hours aboard Via Rail’s highly-touted ‘Halifax Bullet’.

We met many wonderful people and choral singers, got the chance to sing in some incredibly beautiful spaces, and explored some gorgeous parts of Canada. It was inspiring as usual to watch Julia and Joel share their expertise and love of music with the talented singers of the Kingston Choral Society, the University of Ottawa, and the lovely students at St. John Elementary in Perth!

We were thrilled that the CCC’s founding Artistic Director, Iwan Edwards, was on hand for our final concert of the tour with the choirs of the Montreal Choral Institute.

CCC with Iwan Edwards, Feb 2015
A happy reunion! The CCC with founding Artistic Director Iwan Edwards, Feb 14 2015, Montreal

There are a great many people to thank for making this recent tour possible, as CCC members were billeted with wonderful hosts from the Kingston Choral Society, the Music of the Tay in Perth, the Ewashko Singers in Ottawa, and the Montreal Choral Institute. Jean Wilson and Linda Bell in Kingston and Beth Peterkin in Perth deserve special mention for going above and beyond to offer up some truly amazing hospitality.

See you in Newfoundland next September!