The Canadian Chamber Choir (CCC) and Sherryl Sewepagaham are excited to announce the worldwide release of their collaborative album, Where Waters Meet.

Where Waters Meet is an Indigenous/settler partnership built on friendship, deep respect and admiration, and the desire to communicate through our shared sung medium. It is a culmination of several joint projects in different regions of Canada over the course of many years. We are thankful to many for contributing their talents and engaging with the CCC on numerous levels in the creative phases: composer Carmen Braden, poet Yolanda Bonnell, incubation collaborator Sarain Fox, tour partners Wesley Hardisty (violinist) and Aaron Prosper (singer/drummer), and non-Indigenous collaborator Hussein Janmohamed, who has inspired us all in the CCC to consider what our music can be like if we honour and respectfully incorporate cultural traditions into our creative process. Hussein has modelled this in envisioning the expansion of his composition Sun on Water to include Sherryl Sewepagaham’s spoken word, drumming, and sung improvisations. We also thank the many Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and community members who have guided us along the way in our reciprocal creative collaborations. The music on this album has evolved organically as we have listened, asked questions, and responded honestly and in relationship with each other.

Where Waters Meet considers water as a symbol of a parallel journey – as a reminder of life and lives, as a call for action, and as a conduit for change. The synergy of Sherryl Sewepagaham’s powerful musical perspective with the CCC’s versatile choral colours has resulted in a unique musical reflection of our journey together.

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This project draws on research supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and Mitacs. We also acknowledge the support of Western University Research, the Canada Council for the Arts, and the SOCAN Foundation.