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The Canadian Chamber Choir is pleased to announce the appointments of Dr. Joel Tranquilla as Associate Conductor, and Jeff Enns as Composer-in-Residence for the ensemble. Both have been integral members of the CCC for a number of years, with Tranquilla serving as a singer, accompanist, and assistant conductor, and Enns lending numerous compositions to both concert programs and workshops as well as singing in the choir. They are the first to hold these newly created positions. Dr. Julia Davids, the Canadian Chamber Choir’s Artistic Director since 2003, spearheaded the decision to have Tranquilla and Enns formally recognized as members of…

The Canadian Chamber Choir is pleased to begin this concert with our version of a Canadian Mass. The Ordinary of the mass is comprised of the following movements – Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei. Throughout history the Mass has evolved from chanted settings for liturgical use in worship, to include much more elaborate settings, many written as large-scale concert pieces. Canadian composers from coast to coast have written their own musical settings of these mass movements that reflect the diversity of our country. We have selected just a few of them to share with you tonight and in…

Praised for her “soaring, diamantine high notes” (Opera News) and “blood-curdling virtuosity” (San Francisco Enquirer), Canadian soprano Megan Chartrand feels equally at home singing early music, art song, chamber music and concert repertoire. Her present season features solos in Mozart’s Requiem with the Santa Fe Desert Chorale; Bach’s St. Matthew Passion at the Staunton Music Festival; Britten’s Missa Brevis with the Yale Choral Artists; and Vivaldi’s Gloria with Seraphic Fire, among others. Highlights of previous seasons include singing Dalila in Handel’s Samson with the American Classical Orchestra at Alice Tully Hall; Bach’s Mass in B minor, Cantata 198 and Haydn’s…