The Canadian Chamber Choir is thrilled to have three young singers joining us in Yellowknife this October as part of our Singer Apprentice program. Raven Mutford, Anna Pontin and Olivia Rockwell have been selected by the Canadian Chamber Choir’s artistic team, in partnership with Susan Shantora, their choral instructor at Sir John Franklin Secondary School.

“The CCC welcomes this special opportunity to get to know some of the young artists in Yellowknife, and to share in our musical inspirations,” said CCC Artistic Director Dr. Julia Davids. “Olivia, Anna and Raven are all avid participants in community and school choirs in Yellowknife and are dedicated singers.”

As part of a larger ongoing mentorship program the CCC is currently developing for young choral singers in Canada, our three Apprentices will have the opportunity to sing and learn alongside professionals from coast to coast and receive mentorship from our world-class artistic team.

Olivia, Anna and Raven will be rehearsing and performing a number of pieces with both the Canadian Chamber Choir and the combined choirs of the CCC and Aurora Chorealis.  In addition to an immersive choral experience, all three Apprentice Singers will receive private lessons from vocal specialists within the Canadian Chamber Choir. 

So, without further ado, let’s get to know them a little better:

Raven Mutford

“My name is Raven Mutford and I’m 16 years old. I’m actively involved with musical theatre in Yellowknife and currently am taking vocal coaching with April Cook via Skype. I am so excited to have the opportunity to work with the Canadian Chamber Choir and to grow as a singer learning new techniques!”

Anna Pontin

“Hi I’m Anna Pontin, I’m sixteen years old and a member of my school choir and theatre program. My favourite pieces to sing are musical theatre and arias because I love acting and connecting with an audience. I’m so excited to be joining the Canadian Chamber Choir this fall, since choral singing is always such an amazing experience!”

Olivia Rockwell

Olivia is a grade 10 student at Ecole Sir John Franklin High School in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.  She loves art, music and Japanese Anime. She sang for five years with the Yellowknife Youth Choir and one year with her high school choir.  She has participated in the Yellowknife Music Festival both as a soloist and in trios with her sisters. She also had the pleasure of playing the roles of “Sebastian” in the Little Mermaid and “Luisa” in the Sound of Music at the Northern Arts and Cultural Centre.