We are thrilled to introduce Liska Jetchick, as our Conducting Fellow for our Maritime tour this September!

Her Bio is below:

Liska J

Liska Jetchick  is an active choral conductor in London where she serves as artistic director of the Conspirato Chamber Singers, assistant conductor of the Amabile Youth Singers, and music director at Holy Family Church. She is a graduate of the Don Wright Faculty of Music at Western University where she studied voice with Alvin Reimer and choral conducting with Rachel Rensink-Hoff and Gerald Neufeld. As her interest in choral conducting grew, Liska continued with independent studies with Charles Bruffy, Bruce Chamberlain, and Weston Noble.

Liska has been involved choirs since she can remember. Her mother was the director of a small church choir and so she began in the choir when she was just weeks old. Over the years she has been involved with many choirs including Les Choristes and Consort Caritatus. She currently sings with the K-W Grand Philharmonic and Chamber Choirs, Amabile Prima Ensemble, the Bach Festival Singers and Vocal Fusion.

Recently, Liska has also received a number of awards including the Iwan Edwards Award and an Ellen Battell Stoekel Fellowship which gave her the opportunity to sing with the Norfolk Summer Chamber Festival Choir under the tutelage of Simon Carrington. It is her hope to go back to school to pursue a Master’s in Choral Conducting in 2015.

Liska also teaches grade 4 at Jeanne Sauvé School in Stratford and maintains a private voice studio in London. She is honoured to have been chosen to join the Canadian Chamber Choir as their Conducting Fellow and is thrilled to be working with Julia Davids and a choir as talented and supportive as the CCC.