Browsing CategoryTour News

The CCC is celebrating an exciting new chapter in its history with the development of a mentorship program for young singers from coast to coast. We have invited British Columbia-based soprano Anna-Marie Ryan to join us as our first-ever Apprentice Singer, participating in the upcoming tour of Manitoba (September 21-29) and assisting our Artistic Team in shaping the parameters of this program as we head into a busy 2019 season of touring and recording. We are thrilled to welcome Anna-Marie to the CCC family, and in an effort to get to know her a little better we’ve asked her 10 questions about…

The Canadian Chamber Choir is excited to announce its upcoming tour of Winnipeg and Brandon, Manitoba this September 21 through 29. Previous visits to the province were made in 2001, 2003, 2006 and 2009, the latter of which featured the recording sessions for our debut album, In Good Company. After nearly 10 years, it’s time to come back! “The CCC is delighted to be returning to Manitoba,” says Artistic Director Dr. Julia Davids. “Many of us remember fondly our very first concert, held in Brandon seventeen years ago! We’re excited to be reconnecting with good friends and fans from previous tours.”…

Welcome to the CCC blog, where we’ll do our darnedest to bring you up to speed on our epic adventures in Chicago this week! We’re only one day in and there’s already so much to tell you, so let’s hop to it. Bright and early, we hit the ground running downtown (metaphorically speaking)… along with 40,000 other people (literally speaking). Pylons were going up and traffic was being diverted for the Chicago Marathon just as we filed into the Fourth Presbyterian sanctuary on the Magnificent Mile. Performing a selection of compositions from our 2016 release, Sacred Reflections, this was our…

Happy New Year one and all! We are geared up to hit the ground running early in 2016 with a January tour that will take us to some of our favourite places in southwestern Ontario. Two big joint concerts with Prima and Primus of the Amabile Choirs of London, plus the Windsor Classic Chorale are sure to be highlights, and the complete tour itinerary can be found here. We are especially excited about two aspects of this next tour: welcoming a new singer to the CCC family for her first tour; and being able to present our brand new CD…

On September 25th the Canadian Chamber Choir will meet up in the Deer Lake airport to kick off a week-long tour of ‘the Rock’, which will celebrate the choir’s first-ever visit to Newfoundland and Labrador. Under the invitation of Gros Morne Summer Music, the tour begins in Corner Brook with a brief series of community outreach performances dubbed Project Music Rx. This unique program will have CCC singers performing in various senior living residences and palliative care facilities. An public concert on September 26th will feature the CCC share the stage with local choral enthusiasts from the Corner Brook area.…